IPI-T Data
Easier & Faster
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The IPI-T Data Recorder was designed specifically for use in the Instructional Practices Inventory-Technology data collection process. This App requires a specific “User Code” to open the App. That code is provided only to individuals who have successfully completed the IPI-T workshop and are thus certified IPI-T data collectors. The code is available from the developer of the IPI-T Process, Dr. Jerry Valentine, Professor Emeritus of the University of Missouri. If you are a certified IPI-T Data Collector and have lost your User Code, or if you are interested in learning more about the IPI Process, contact Dr. Valentine at ValentineJ@missouri.edu.


Collect data as quickly as you can tap so you can focus on what you see. When you're ready it's easy to share your data via e-mail.


Built-in checks make sure your data is more accurate.